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Clip Chart System

What is a clip chart system?
The clip chart is a system of behavior management which promotes positive behavior. 
How does it work?
Students start every day on the green, "ready to learn" square.  Depending on student choices throughout the day, clips may then move up or down on the clip chart.  Purple, or "Jedi Master" is the highest level on the clip chart in my room. Red is the farthest down the clip chart they can go, resulting in immediate parent contact wherein the student will call and explain to their parent/guardian why they ended up there.
Is there a reward for good choices?
Yes! Students receive a punch on their punch card each day they are at green or above. After 10 punches, students get to choose from an array of prizes. On top of that, students can also clip "off the chart". Their clip then goes to my shirt, and from there to the principal's shirt.  Once the principal receives the clip, students may then recieve a "sweet treat"! 
How EXACTLY does my child move up?/Do they get to move up for EVERY good thing they do?
Students will have the opportunity to move their clips up when they follow rules and procedures quickly and consistently, showing positive role model and leadership abilities.  I typically do not automatically move clips up when students do something they are normally expected to do on a daily basis. For example, if Jane wrote her name on the top of her paper, that would be a normal expectation and she would not get to move her clip up.  However, if Jane has not been in the habit of writing her name, and I notice that she wrote it immediately on her papers for a few days, then I would make a big deal out of it and ask her to move her clip up! 
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